Friday 17 February 2012

Emily's haircut

Emily has asked me for a while now if I would let her have her hair cut short, the answer to this has always been no, but yesterday when having our haircuts I said if she wanted then yes she could! She decided to have half of the length cut off!! I just thought, if she wants to then I should let her, after all it can grow back. After it was done she went to look, (on the way both her sister Megan and her friend, laughed saying she looked funny - they weren't meaning to be horrible or to upset her) but of course she started to cry saying everyone will hate it and laugh at her!!

She has overcome this, luckily we meet some of her friends throughout the day who all said they loved her hair. I was dreading it but I really like the hair cut.



1 comment:

Miss Beevers said...

What a cutie! Love it!