Sunday, 21 August 2011

Growing our own vegetables

I have always wanted an allotment but with moving around at the moment it is just not viable. So the next best thing was to use a bit of the garden that we have and try our hand at growing a few veg. So since March we have prepared a small patch in the garden and also grown veg in tubs. As I haven't posted any pictures of this, here are some taken from the start to now.

Paul starting to make our patch.Megan making sure all the worms where ok!

Ethan helping daddy after school.My small patch!Paul making the kids their own boxes too.Nearly done.Making the scarecrow.Megan planting carrots in her box.Awhile later!!!
Some of our lettuce plants and what is left of our strawberry plants. Broccoli. Our first lot of thinning carrots. A pear from the pear tree my friend Jen gave us. Some lettuce and tomatoes Megan picked.Finding potatoes! Carrots, New potatoes and Blueberries from the bush Jen gave us too.Megan with our 2nd lot of potatoes.

We have been so pleased with what has grown - even though my timings were not great, as I really didn't need 10+ broccoli's all ready at the same time!!! At least my neighbours enjoyed them too. And I know I like lettuce but not for every meal! Next time I will be prepared what I'm growing; for example finding out after cutting 10 broccoli heads off and digging up the plants only to read two days later that after you've cut off the main head, side sprouts grow, I would have had more!! Well we all have to learn! Next year I will have a plan.

One last thing that I have learnt, is not to have strawberry plants at dog eating height! Ollie took a fancy to the strawberries and every time one would start to turn red she would eat it!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow, it all looks great! I'm so glad the pear tree actually bore some fruit for you.