Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Weight Watchers

So how am I doing with Weight Watchers... I really do love being a leader, I get such a buzz when a member of my meetings get to Gold. I just love helping them with their highs and lows. I have realised though how some people are just not ready to loss weight. When I first went through my member card box (off the old leader) I found that I had a least 10 members that have been coming for 2-5 years and still weigh the same OR even heavier than when they first came that many years ago. I just can't image it, when thinking about it all I think about is the money... £5.50 a week over years, what a waste!! Every week I get the same excuses, 'I've just not tracked' 'I've been too busy' 'I've eaten out a least twice and had a birthday party' (this one being the best) 'I just haven't got into it yet!' - What after 2+ years you haven't got into it yet! I really want to say 'WHY waste your money, come back when your ready'. I really don't mean to be hard here but I really just don't see why they come. I have lots of members who come and after some weeks stop coming because they aren't ready, saving their money they say until they are ready. BUT what do I do, give them the same amount of support, care and love that I give all my members.

It hasn't all been easy though, I have a few members who just moan, moan, moan at me. The room is too cold, the queue is too long, they haven't lost weight (even though they have been out twice and not tracked etc etc etc), I haven't got the bars they want, there is not enough chairs in the middle row where they want to sit (even though there are chairs available on the other rows) etc etc etc. I just smile and try to be understanding; I'll make sure the heating is up higher next week, I'll make sure there is a few extra chairs in the middle row for you. BUT do I, no, the heating is fine and I can't fit anymore chairs on that middle row but next week they don't notice those things and instead moan about something else. There is just no pleasing everyone.

And how about me, with my points/maintaining/weight loss. Since losing my weight, 44lbs, I have managed to maintain my weight loss until I became a leader! Why you might ask? I have always been weighed every week until I became a leader, and it was being weighed that kept me on track. But now as a leader I am only weighed every 2 months! My goal weight is 9st 2lbs and for over a year has been around 8st 12lbs to 9st. For me this is a ideal weight, I have found this a realistic weight for me to maintain. But as I said this was before I became a leader. I was weighed the end of sept/mid nov/last week and my weight is gradually growing higher. I'm now 9st 1lbs. You may think that is ok, still under my goal, but when I was weighed back in sept I was 8st 10lbs and I did go up to 9st 2 1/2lbs. I have just found it so hard to maintain and now loss those few extra pounds that I have put on. And I know why... it is not being weighed. I always tell gold members to weigh as often as possible if not every week as if they don't at least 6 out of 10 will be back within 1-2 years after gaining a little weight if not going back to their starting weight.

Somebody said to me, so weigh yourself, I have and it is still now working, I really feel that I have no one keeping an eye on me. So it is for that reason that I have gone back to meetings as a member!! I have joined another leaders meeting every Wednesday morning kicking myself back into gear before that weight grows on and on. So I'll keep you up to date on how I get along.

So what tips can I give you if you are one of my friends who go to meetings;
1. GO to meetings and if you can STAY.
2. Eat your filling foods; remember those 5 portions of fruit or veg day.
3. Drink that pint of milk a day. (this is something that I have learnt to do - it has been hard as I'm not a milk drinker)
4. Remember your fluids - 8 glasses a day!
5. Track, Track, Track

1 comment:

Hilarie said...

I LOVED this post, thanks for the reminders. :)