Thursday, 15 May 2008

4 to 5 year olds!

I'm sitting here thinking about my day with Emily. And what a day it has been, moody, moaning and sulky. My day started off, with 'I want my breakfast in a cup the the living room, no not in the kitchen, i want no milk, i don't like you, why wont you let me do what i want, your mean, it's not fair...........' it went on and on and on. All this because I said it was time for her breakfast, yes me a mean mummy thinking of her health, and her having breakfast before school. After half a hour of moan, moan , moan i walked away to have my new found 16year follow me, so I locked myself in the toilet, just to contain myself before i killed her. Well what can i say, the five minutes I spent in there was endured with Emily on the other side of the door, in between moaning saying sorry. I finally unlocked the door, and said as calm as i could, 'you can have breakfast at the kitchen table or go to school without'. I calmly walked into the kitchen put some breakfast in a bowl and put it on the table - NO MILK I will add. And guess what, I got moaned at for not putting milk in the bowl! I just laughed, this after being moaned at least 50 times that she didn't want milk. After being told again it was my fault that she was now sad, I smiled said 'I do love you' and walked away.

Do you think my evening got any better... NO. I've had the moaning about the park - over half a hour; Moaning a McDonald's (to tired to cook - need sleep) because I put her fries on the napkin the wrong way and we got the wrong toy - 15 minutes; Moaning that I put her light on her tooth brush - 10 minutes; Moaning it's bedtime etc. etc. etc.

I really feel that some days the minutes that she spends moaning at me weighs out the minutes she doesn't. Paul said tonight 'it's just a age thing, she's grow out of this soon'. I sat there, memories flashing before my eyes... this moody moaning thing has been going on for nearly a year. I remember phoning Paul up last July, telling him that he had better tell her to be nice or i was going to throw her out the house, as she was acting like a 16 year old.

SO it's been nearly a year, WILL IT EVER END?!?!

I have decided, I really don't like this age... luckily me I have another two to go through this!!!

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