Saturday, 15 March 2008

Hamster cage!!

The girls really wanted a new hamster cage for Rosie. After spending over a hour picking one of ebay (no-one could agree on the same one), we finally choose one and quickly paid for it before anyone changed their minds. Well the joy of choosing one was short lived when it turned up today. Ok i could deal with the colour change - we wanted green and a blue on turned up, i could even deal with the 40+ individual piece (that was after a few words i can't repeat!!), but what i couldn't deal with, was after putting together a cage you needed a degree in cage building for, one of the last piece for the roof was broken... scream, scream. So the cage is now sitting on top of the cupboard in the kitchen and not in the girls room. The worst thing is, is that i have to take the thing apart to put back in the box to return it... scream, scream!!

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